Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Camp Overview

Wow - what a week! I'm only just now getting to posting stuff on here. What can I say? It was a great time to grow in my walk. Our speaker was awesome - his name was Mike Salvati and he spoke about the gospel and how we can prevent becoming over-familiar with it and letting it become same-old, same-old.
He talked about how cultivating humility helps us in this fight. Realizing how insignificant we are compared to God's greatness gives us a humble heart, and we're more ready to open up our hearts and admit that we NEVER outgrow the gospel, we NEVER outgrow simple doctrine, and we NEVER stop needing God's grace, His grace that came to us because of the cross.

I'm not the only one impacted by his messages! I think the subject was perfect for our youth group...the majority of us have grown up in Christian homes and we are most definitely subject to become apathetic towards "simpler" theology and bible stories. I've come away from the week with, by God's grace, a humbler spirit. I've fallen into the pit of self-righteousness so many times. Growing up with godly parents (which has been a huge blessing, of course!) has sometimes tempted me to think "I know it all". But I don't know it all. I never want to let the gospel grow old.

Another convicting message was one of the workshops, given by Jordan F., our (hilarious!) game planner & leader. He really laid it out...his topic was on worldliness and materialism. I'm very much tempted by materialism. I rely on cute clothes and food to bring me joy more often than prayer and bible reading. It's hard to admit that, it's just so wrong! Why would I find silly, shallow things more joy-giving than God Himself?? Jordan did a great job of digging deep into our minds and unearthing our motives that cause our materialism. I feel more motivated to fight this sin.

In any case, it was an awesome, awesome week. The place we were - Conference Point Center in Lake Geneva - was BEAUTIFUL. We were on a peninsula surrounded by the lake and there were these swings dotted around the camp. I loved sitting to do my TAG (Time alone with God) time on this bench, right outside the gorgeous Victorian house all the girls stayed in:

I LOVED it! If I wanted Liz or Rachel or another friend, I could just call for them instead of trekking to their cabin. Hah!! It was an amazing week!

I'll leave you with this picture of a chipmunk that was running around - I'm really grateful for my camera's zoom! Hehe!

He's a cutie!

"...Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified..." 1st Corinthians 1:22-23

Sunday, June 12, 2011


...I leave for Summer Camp!! I know it'll be an amazing, amazing week (it always is). I'm on Green Team just like last year, so I had fun this week scrounging around for all things green in my house! (And the mall...) Please pray that we would have great fellowship, growth, conviction and encouragement this week.
On a completely unrelated note, the other day I was outside with my camera and I saw this little guy:

I came a little bit closer to I could get some good shots of him and his nut:

Heehee!! I LOVE his face!!
When he saw me coming closer, he ran up the tree to eat his nut in peace.

I LOVE this - I think it looks like he's praying!! Hah!!

See you all next week - I'm sure I'll have LOTS of stories, encouragements and pictures to share!! :)