Ever since I was little, I've loved names. I'm notorious in my family for naming everything. The story my Dad likes to tell the best is of the time he, Mum and I were fishing in Canada (we have an island and cabin up there)..I caught a fish, a smallmouth bass, but my Dad said it was too small to keep and we'd forgotten the camera. This pretty much was the end of the world to me...as I waved good-bye to the fish I sobbed out "bye Gracie!". : P
That's not really changed. I still name everything (including the fish I catch in Canada, if you're asking). So (as you'll read to the right) since I'm looking forward to being a mother above all else except meeting my Father, I've thought out names for my kids. I like names that are unique, but not weird. Right now my favorites are (fem.) Stella Magdalene (I've always always loved Stella, and I love the middle name being biblical), Maisie Kate (first name courtesy of MckMama, and I'm a Dr. Suess FREAK, although I know the spelling is different [Maizie]. Anna wants to name their first daughter Kate so I thought if the Lord allows that to happen, she'll be named after her) and Ivy Delilah (predictably, another blog name, thank you Sheye. Middle name biblical as well - are you seeing a trend?). Favorites for boys are Cullen James (NO! Before the accusations start, let me issue a disclaimer. I love Twilight, although I am more of a LotR chick, but I am NOT naming my son after Edward Cullen! xP Again, thank you MckMama. And of course James is a classic, sturdy biblical name), Emmett Daniel (another Twilight disclaimer. In fact I think of this as my son being named after ME! Do you like that? And of course Daniel is another strong, sturdy and biblical name) and Dillon Asher (I just really like Dillon, and Asher is, again, biblical).
So what do you think? Of course, these are just for fun..I know my husband is going to have an opinion as well! xP What names do YOU like?
P.S. Off-topic, but:
A beautiful quote: "Lead me to peace that is past understanding, a peace beyond all doubt". - Newsboys
Isn't that great? It lets me know how much more God is powerful than I, and how tiny I am compared to Him...really, I don't need anything in this world!
xooxoo Em, Emmaline, M&M...girl of a million nicknames ; )
A couple years ago - the summer of '07 - my close friend Rachel and I were at her house, alone, hanging out while her mom was running errands. We got bored and wanted to swim in her rubber blow-up pool (like this one, but bigger) but we thought maybe we should call her mom first..and then we grew frustrated when she told us 'no'.Rach and I were convicted enough to obey, so then we decided to play in her camper, next to the pool. As we were sitting, griping about our disappointment, we heard a loud POP followed by the sound of rushing water. We scrambled to the other side of the camper and saw that the entire pool had not just deflated, but was completely flattened to the side, to the point where the bottom of the pool was completely covered by heavy rubber. .. Just big enough to trap 2 girls our age underneath.Now, granted, there is a chance we would have been able to scramble out - but it collapsed so suddenly and who has reflexes like that? Not us, I say..what if we had been trapped? What if we couldn't get out from underneath the rubber? It would have been heavy enough to suffocate us, I'm sure. We would have dead, and we would have died because we had disobeyed. The irony of the situation was shocking..were both shaking from relief and fear combined.The point of this story is not only to praise God for convicting us enough that we didn't disobey her mom, but to keep us from doing just that. God's hand was working in that..Definitely a story to get you thinking ( :xoxo, and in Christ, Emma <3