Make a joyful noise to the Lord...

For though the world moves like mad, YOU ALONE are faithful...

And because I (and Jeremy Camp!) know WHO I AM...

I will NOT be moved.

For You are the joy in my morning...

And no power of hell, nor scheme of man, could EVER pluck me from Your hand...

And during my trials I know You will not leave my side but will carry me through my them.

And You're my reason for living.
And You're basically my LIFE.

And glorifying YOU in everything I say think and do is what I'll keeping myself busy with this year.

Those are some of my favorite lines from different Christian songs or stories. They have all struck a chord with me and I only thought it approriate to end 2009 with them and some of my favorite photos from the year.
In Christ,
Emm <3
P.S. If you're wondering about the black-and-white distorted photo, I went to a Jeremy Camp concert and took a picture of his shadow that was cast on the wall as he sang.. : )