Thursday, December 31, 2009

What I'm going to do during 2010

Make a joyful noise to the Lord...

For though the world moves like mad, YOU ALONE are faithful...

And because I (and Jeremy Camp!) know WHO I AM...

I will NOT be moved.

For You are the joy in my morning...

And no power of hell, nor scheme of man, could EVER pluck me from Your hand...

And during my trials I know You will not leave my side but will carry me through my them.

And You're my reason for living.
And You're basically my LIFE.

And glorifying YOU in everything I say think and do is what I'll keeping myself busy with this year.

Those are some of my favorite lines from different Christian songs or stories. They have all struck a chord with me and I only thought it approriate to end 2009 with them and some of my favorite photos from the year.

In Christ,
Emm <3

P.S. If you're wondering about the black-and-white distorted photo, I went to a Jeremy Camp concert and took a picture of his shadow that was cast on the wall as he sang.. : )

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Yes, as you can see above...WoW (World of Warcraft) is an amazing game. I've been having tons of fun with it lately! In the photo above, I had just turned an evil man into a toad! Ha!!

My former pet, Maisie (I currently have a green spider named Charlotte, hehe), killing one of her own kind!!! Manslaughter, I tell ya...

Riding a hippogryph - THAT was cool.

I had to release a spider's spirit into this was odd, but I thought the ghost-spider was worthy of taking a picture of : )

My pet! She is amazing to have - she runs up to my targeted enemies and fights them FOR ME while I stand back and shoot arrows! Haha!! I admit I feel a little guilty making her do all the work, but hey, I don't hear any complaints, and as long as I feed her Spider Limbs she's fine...

(wait, isn't that cannibalism???????)

; P


As off-topic as this is, I wanted to post a link to my newest song obsession, Oh the Deep Deep Love. I am OBSESSED, I tell you. Listen to it...I can't stress this enough. It's just beautiful. It is Not Death to Die (sorry, couldn't find a direct link to it) is amazing as well. I haven't really lost anyone close, besides sweet Ray (who had an extremely solid relationship with the Lord and was at an old age, as well as having cerebral palsy, which caused him a lot of pain) but I can imagine this song would be a big comfort in that sort of situation.

xxoo Emma

Thursday, October 22, 2009

An Interesting Discussion...

So in British Literature this week I had to write a paragraph on my opinion about good works and how they contribute to our salvation. It can be a tough subject to approach. But I managed to come up with a few words on what I think:

Do Good Works Contribute To Our Salvation?

I believe that good works do not send us to heaven. That being said, I believe performing good deeds is crucial to our relationship with Christ considering the following:

That Jesus tells us in the bible to "love our neighbor as ourself". This means (but is not limited to) helping those in need, providing accountability to fellow Christians, and putting others needs in front of your own needs and desires.

He alo tells us to love Him with all our hearts, souls and minds, and if we willingly spend our time doing things that enrich our own spirits and the spirits of others, we are displaying our love for Him in a productive and meaningful way.

I also believe that once we instill this principle within our hearts, we can more understand the goodness of Christ and can make ourselves pleasing in His sight. More so, the way we spend our time and live our lives must reflect that we are one of God's children if we hope to glorify Him.

So ultimately, although doing good works won't initially lead us to Christ, trying to be like Him in all we do will put us on the right path and is a good start to witnessing to others and making our hearts good and pure.

Friday, October 9, 2009

there will be a day.

I try to hold on to this world with everything I have
But I feel the weight of what it brings, and the hurt that trys to grab
The many trials that seem to never end, His word declares this truth,
that we will enter in this rest with wonders anew

But I hold on to this hope and the promise that He brings
That there will be a place with no more suffering

There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place, will be no more, we’ll see Jesus face to face
But until that day, we’ll hold on to you always

I know the journey seems so long
You feel your walking on your own
But there has never been a step
Where you’ve walked out all alone

Troubled soul don’t lose your heart
Cause joy and peace he brings
And the beauty that’s in store
Outweighs the hurt of life’s sting

I can’t wait until that day where the very one I’ve lived for always will wipe away the sorrow that I’ve faced
To touch the scars that rescued me from a life of shame and misery
This is why
This is why I sing….

There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place, will be no more, we’ll see Jesus face to face

There will be a day, He’ll wipe away the stains, He’ll wipe away the tears, He’ll wipe away the tears…..there will be a day.

Monday, September 28, 2009

New Look!

So! I decided that the cupcakes were getting old, so I changed my blog to something a little more fall-ish. Speaking of which, I LOVE fall. Despite the fact that it means winter is fast approaching *shudder* I love the leaves, the cool weather, apple cider, cornfield mazes, and Halloween.

Halloween should be fun this year. I'm thinking of sewing a dress so I could be a Renaissance princess (I LOVE LOVE Renaissance-type things...dragons, griffons, princesses, castles, it all just makes me crazy with love). Or maybe painting a laundry basket green and attaching it to my back so I could be a turtle. LOL! I don't know yet, we'll see.

xo Em

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Revelation Song

Summer Camp, June '09, Indiana Wesleyan University

Worthy is the,
Lamb who was slain
Holy, Holy, is He
Sing a new song, to Him who sits on
Heaven's Mercy Seat

Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come
With all creation I sing:
Praise to the King of Kings!
You are my everything,
And I will adore You

Clothed in rainbows, of living color
Flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder
Blessing and honor, strength and
Glory and power be
To You the Only Wise King

Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come, yeah
With all creation I sing:
Praise to the King of Kings!
You are my everything,
And I will adore You!

Filled with wonder,
Awestruck wonder
At the mention of Your Name
Jesus, Your Name is Power
Breath, and Living Water
Such a marvelous mystery

Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come
With all creation I sing:
Praise to the King of Kings!
You are my everything,
And I will adore You

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hannah's Birthday and My Philosophy on Death.

Today marks the birthday of sweet Hannah. She would be eight today, that beautiful Monkey Queen.

Situations like these cause people to think, and to question authorities they may not even question very often. Even Christians, who really do have so much faith in God, can't help but wonder why God takes away such innocent people, especially children.

I think about it, too. It's a big thing. After awhile, I've gained my own perspective on death.

We're all sinners. And God is perfect. Furthermore, God made us. And we belong to him. Therefore, isn't it only fair that he takes people back sometimes?

It's not even close to what sin deserves. The pain, the shock and the missing is really only a taste of what it could be. You might say, isn't it like He's teasing us in a way, by letting us have our loved ones for a time, and then randomly taking them away? Well, we have to remember all the time that we ever get with our loved ones are gifts. We can't take anything or anyone for granted. I am always reminding myself of this. God has the right to take anyone away at anytime. Like I said, it's only fair...not even fair, on His behalf. We can't expect God to let us have everyone share our lives on earth, and when we do, it's a huge and merciful gift.

So that's my philosophy. There's been so much controversy over this subject, and even though I feel like I've pretty much figured it out, I also know that no matter what, He's got it all under control and that's all I need to know.

xoxo M&M

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Because I'm great at updating my blog.

Tyler Creek, August 2009

So. My blog. I wish I could say that I've been busy but umm...that's not so true. Sure I've done stuff but nothing that would keep me from I guess, I've just been putting it off. Not like it matters terribly, anyway, but...

I'm rambling. Here's what I know you all want!

You got something in your eye. (Peace Out would work well, too.)


And my personal favorite...the one on the top is definitely a PRAISE JESUS!!!

And praise Him we should because Anna and Jeremy are officially moving back here and in fact living with us until they get their own place..oh happy day :D

We (Me, Ade, Kattie, Kay) found this skateboard in the creek.

And some nature photos...

Trying to decide which action I like better. Both are a little too exposed but that's due to my cheap editing software and point-and-shoot camera (for where art thou, SLR and Photoshop...)

Kattie peeks over the bridge : )

We're crazily awesome : )

Dunes Trip with Youth Group. July 28th.

So, that's all for now. Three of my girls are over and they themselves got bored of messing around on Bro's computer, so I'm off to eat some more cheetos and maybe divulge some more secrets? I think so.

xoxo Emm-Emm

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Latest Things...

Sarah Jane Illustrations on Etsy. Unbelievably cute. How gorgeous are these cards...I want to pick them up so badly.

Ohh. Sweet Dreams is right around the corner from my Nana's house, and seeing as it's over a half hour away otherwise we always stop and get a box of Yum of cupcakes filled with amazing, cold, buttery icing. If you're ever near Dekalb IL I strongly advise the Red Velvet especially, though the Vanilla is divine as well. I'm definitely a sucker for excellent cupcakes : )

Belle and Boo, another Etsian. Brace yourself. Not only the beautiful story behind 6 of her illustrations. You can get lost in these drawings. Cheap, they're not...though the 8 pack party invites of Ava's Tea Party is only eight dollars. That'll come after one or two solid babysitting jobs..anyone?

Damask. Or, more specifically, White Aisle.

So light and soft. I love Isa Ferreira, and she's not bad price-wise. Hmm. More b-sitting jobs for that one.

So A&J are in town...Lulu as well : ) Off to play Mario Kart, or eat the remainer of said cupcakes, or take said dog on a walk.

xoxo Emmy-Em

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Please Please Watch!

This is one of my very good friends! He is amazing. I love him so much and I'm very very proud of him. His hair is too long in this, though :P

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So! Last week was Summer Camp and all I can say is wow, what an encouraging week. I could feel myself growing so much spiritually throughout the days. Sadly I managed to forget the thing I would least expect...MY CAMERA! ARGH! How could I?!?! I had my BlackBerry, which for a cell phone, is I wasn't completely without a camera.

Sitting on the bus - it was pretty crammed.

Yes I realize I look pretty frightening...they had these theme nights and this one was Holiday Night.

Look at Liz and Alex! Liz's hair is normally springy and curly and Alex's is usually wavy and unstyled...check out how much older they look.

A blurry picture of my dorm.

A few photos I took around the pretty campus:

Again, awesome week. Easily the best of my life thus far. Can't wait til next year!!! Only 356 days to go! ;P

xoxo Em